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Barry Franklin's Career Experience at Zurich North America

Updated: Feb 20, 2020

On February 10th, Barry Franklin came to talk to our students about his role as Head of Risk for Zurich North America. Mr. Franklin is responsible for maintaining adherence to the organization's risk policies and working with leadership to balance business strategy and risk-taking.

"Consult, Advise, and Challenge"

This past Monday, February 10th, both Actuarial Club and Risk Management & Insurance Society members packed the room to hear about Barry Franklin's career path and experiences at Zurich North America. Mr. Franklin is currently the Head of Risk at Zurich and joined us to inform about his work maintaining adherence to the organization's risk policies and working with leadership to balance business strategy and risk-taking.

Among all the topics Mr. Franklin discussed, some notable points he covered included how Zurich North America is placing a Risk Manager at the table to "consult, advise, and challenge" the various systems and tools Zurich has innovated into their company. He also touched upon his guidance to scrutinize Zurich's risk policies and rate the severity of risks with all leaders and sectors within the organization.

Near the end of the presentation, Mr. Franklin walked us through the 2020 Outlook for Risk Management in Zurich, highlighting how environmental concerns have dominated the main importance of their 2020 landscape surveys. This concern pointed out how climate action failure is such a highly interconnected risk, and we spent some time talking over what that might mean for risk management and the insurance world.

We would like to thank Zurich North America and Barry Franklin for the time spent with our future Actuarial and Risk Management professionals.

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